Confused about how to start training in the Martial Arts?
Click here to receive a comprehensive guide to help you decide what you should begin training in, what makes a good teacher and what makes a good grappling or striking school.
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"It's Kick Ass Time" GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje
Pekiti Tirsia Kali(PTK) : Pekiti Tirsia Kali is an Indigenous Filipino Martial Art based around the use of the blade. It is taught to elite law enforcement and military personnel across 6 continents. It is instantly applicable and unapologetically effective. This is why it is one of the best choices for anyone seeking to learn how to defend themselves.
Muay Thai or Thai boxing is a combat sport of Thailand that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques. This physical and mental discipline which includes combat on shins is known as "the art of eight limbs" because it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, shins, being associated with a good physical preparation that makes a full-contact fighter very efficient.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or BJJ is one of the most effective ground fighting systems in the world. The effectiveness on BJJ has been proven in combat time and time again. It has become one of the staple martial arts used by professional mixed martial arts fighters, fighting in promotions like UFC, One FC etc.
Our Muay Thai for kids program aims to teach and prepare our students not only as fighters who are able to look after themselves but also as confident, respectful, hard working and productive members of the community.
Designed for those who want to train with us but live outside of Goa. Come stay with us for a more intensive martial arts training experience.

We wanted to do something for the Pekiti and FMA community around the world during this difficult time. To this aim we are releasing over an hour's worth of Kali solo drills that you can practice from your home without the need of a partner. The videos are absolutely free and will be put on our YouTube channel as a playlist in the order we think you should train them in. It's a really hard time right now for all of humanity. We are hoping we can at least help some people train while they are in isolation. The instructional will cover footwork drills, diagonal lines, vertical lines, the dirty dozen, an introduction to the Sinawali, a basic breakdown of how to start working on your free flow or Carenza and Pekiti specific strength drills. There are countless ways to train on your own. We picked the drills that have worked best for us and our students. But there are still many drills that we had to leave out of this instructional series. Hopefully we can cover them in a future series. Hope everyone is keeping well whenever they are in the world and we are looking forward to sharing our knowledge with you.
“You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
― Miyamoto Musashi, A Book of Five Rings

LightHaven is the fulfilment of a dream for an immersive martial arts and movement training space. A place where one can pick up skills not just to defend themselves like a warrior but to also live like a warrior in their everyday lives. It was a dream of unity, where people from all martial arts are welcome to come and train together, share and grow together as one community, one family.
"LightHaven is my hope for a different kind of martial artist."Aditya Roy (Founder and Head Instructor)
We invite you to explore our engaging and diverse course schedule, and stop by for a visit at your convenience.
Click here to learn more about our journey!
House No 314 Joidar Vaddo, Nachinola, Bardez, Goa, India 403508